Balance and Stabilization Training


Course Description

Specificity of stabilization and balance training is essential for functional fitness, senior  wellness ,  post-rehabilitation, and athletic performance training.  Increasing core stability and balance through proprioception training helps to improve coordination and adaptability. This can offset some physiological effects of aging in seniors, aid in rehabilitation after injury or surgery for all individuals, and improve performance in athletes such as speed, strength, power, balance and agility. Using a proprioceptively enriched environment for training muscular control, adaptability and core stability may aid in preventing athletic injuries.

Upon completing this course the fitness professional will have a complete understanding of proprioception and an enhanced knowledge of anatomy. Through this knowledge and understanding the fitness professional will have the ability to determine appropriate exercise prescription, including modalities and protocols to facilitate the desired adaptation to this stimulus. The fitness trainer will be prepared to implement and execute these programs to produce the intended outcome. These outcomes will satisfy the needs of the client taking them closer to their goals. 

This course is 4 contact hours in length (check your state approval status in the state specific course catalog for your profession).


Contact Hours: 4
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Advanced